HATA HLAVATA - Curiculum Vitae


( born 1959 Prague / Czech Republic)


1979 -1984          Study of History at the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University, Prague

1985                     Ph.D. (Then Czech equivalent of a Master’s Degree)

1986                     Moved to Nuremberg / Germany

1989 -1995          Study of painting and object art at the Academy of Fine Arts, Atelier of K. G. Pfahler and R. G. Dienst, Nuremberg



Selected exhibitions


1989                  Fränkische Kunst, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Germany, Catalog

1991                  Prag – Nürnberg, group show of Czech and German painters, Altes Rathaus, Nuremberg

1994                  Danner Aword, Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg, Germany

1994                  One-man-show, Gallery of Young Artists “U Recickych”, Prague

1994                  Landscapes, One-man-show, Galeriehaus Regensburg, Germany

1995                  RAUS, finally show at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg, Germany

1996                  International summer academy of Salzburg, Austria, in Atelier Prof. M. Knizak, participation and group show “Painting as a transformation”

1998                 2-year work-grant (HSP II - Förderung künstlerischer Entwicklungsvorhaben im Freistaat Bayern) and final show of painting on the glass, light objects and space installation, Alte Gaststätte, Sorg, Germany (video-document “Alias” by H. Hlavata and T. Krol)

1999                 First floor gallery in Zumikon, Nuremberg, Germany

2000                 International Mail-Art project “Happy Birthday Johannes”, Gutenberg Pavilon Mainz, Germany, Catalog

2001-06            A Global Collection of Art – Exhibition on tour, Women of the World, curator Claudia DeMonte, Pomegranate, San Francisco, USA, Catalog

2002-03            Drawing and animations for short movie “Schoolboy” (Der Schüler), produced by Cinemaniax! Nuremberg and the first German award for short movies, Berlin

2003-05            Animation drawings for the short movie “Tango – Comedia de la Pasion”

2005                 International group show “Where is the wolf?” (Dové il lupo?) in the Gallery Lindig in Paludetto, Torin, Italy

2006                 Group show “ Bed & Breakfast “ at Castello di Rivara, Centro d´Arte Contemporanea, Italy

2006                 MiArt Milan, participating artist of the Gallery Castello di Rivara, Torino, Italy

2006                 Art Fiera Verona, participating artist of the Gallery Castello di Rivara, Torino, Italy

2006                 Amanti nobili, Museo d´Arte Contemporanea in Casa del Console in Calice Ligure, Italy

2007                 Project “Galerie für einen Tag” / The Gallery for one day, Exhibition of water-colours and velines in Casandra, Nuremberg, Germany

2007                 Installation “Camera degli sposi” / The bridegrooms´room at the Castello di Rivara, Italy

2008                 Czech / Slovak / Italian tour , group international show at the Castello di Rivara, Italy, Installation “Camera da bagno” / The bathroom

2008                 Installation Camera da bagno and “Undici lavori “ by Gastspiel Fürth, Germany

2009                 „Camerata delicata nova“, a peace of „Camera da bagno II. “ in the Saloon Künstlerhaus Schnackenhof, Röthenbach an der Pegnitz, Germany

2009-10           One - man – show “DUELL”, new installation with tango performance in Galerie Livio Nardi, Nürnberg, Germany

2010                 Show of painted personalities by the art-market for the cities Nuremberg – Prague, 20.years of partnership

2010                 Cancion de Lejos, Lied aus der Ferne, in Embajada de la República Checa in Buenos Aires, Argentina

2011                 Project Sicilia Mangia, Museum der Deutschen Hirtenkultur Hersbruck, Katalogue,(continuation in Palermo / Sicily 2012)

2012                 Exhibition in der Galerie ART.DEGO BERLIN, Metamorphosen_ Incognito Projekt with Happening and live Music

2012                 Project Sicilia Mangia (continuation) in Palermo, Sicily, Italy

2012                Several personal Diary art books for private collectors in Germany

2013                (moving back to Czech Republic)

2014                Preparation of a double exhibition in Czech Republic